What We Do

The Nebraska Organizing Project is building a network of local chapters that provides a welcoming space for everyone—no matter their background, culture, age, or income.

Our time-tested approach

Our organizing approach, which is informed by 50 years of practice and experience, is to consciously and deliberately bring a diverse group of rural Nebraskans together around shared values and common self-interests to organize for power, action and justice. This “roots and relationships” approach focuses on:

  • Organizing a broad-based, permanent, multi-issue, multi-cultural grassroots organization with its roots in rural Nebraska.
  • Meeting people where they are and listening to what’s important to them and what they’d like to see changed.
  • Building public relationships with people from diverse backgrounds who are willing to raise their voices and take action together.
  • Starting with local chapters in rural communities, we strategically build power to take on issues at the state level.
  • Developing people’s leadership skills because we believe in the value and potential of all people to speak and act for themselves.
  • Championing a positive, proactive strategy for change that is shaped by the lived experiences and needs of rural Nebraskans.
  • Leveraging our collective power at the local level to influence policies and programs at a statewide level.